Our Newest Garden

 This was an area that was started by a resident who is now selling her lot, so it was given to use to create another common garden.

I used the heavy edgers I found on Marketplace to surround the area and then we weeded, killed the grass and tilled the area to prep it for planting.

The metal chairs were donated by another resident who has left us. 
Our buddy Mark sanded and painted them to create a place to sit and look at the river while right in the garden.  

Two Lacette Fragrant sumac have been added behind the chairs to create a private little nook to enjoy the view or a quiet spot to read. The leaves are glossy green in summer and turn shades of red in the fall.

I found a metal headboard to use as a trellis and next spring I'll locate a nice climbing rose to attach to it. There's not much left at the end of the season.

The pavers were added to provide a stable seating area and keep the chairs clean when rainy weather was splashing up mud.

I added some hostas around the birdbath that were taken from Bob's garden.  I had them in the large planters earlier. 

A clethra was been added to provide a sweet fragrance while resting in this area. This plant is also known as summer sweet or sweet pepperbush. It blooms in July and August when many others have stopped blooming and has a sweet honey like fragrance.

We'll keep adding plants here and there as time and money allow to fill it out more.


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