Finally...getting to the inside of the shed

The moment I've been waiting for! The flooring went in and is beautiful. Thank you Mike Hren for your excellent work!

I think of this as more of a Craft Cottage than a She Shed since it will also be pressed into service as guest sleeping quarters at some point in the future.  I had to explain to George (my cat) why he couldn't come and hang out with me as it it needs to stay a cat-free zone for my son-in-law who has allergies.   Sorry George.

And speaking of great work, Left Brain painted all the white shelves that would be hung over the windows and French doors, as well as a hanging shelf to be used for my cutting grids.

I knew I wanted a calming blue for the walls and a crisp white trim and shelves for a nice clean look.

Pinterest inspired the crisscross curtains hung on white hooks. I added the ivy on the hooks.

It's an old fashioned vibe that I'm sure will please my vintage loving granddaughter, Kiersten.  The white corner bookcase  in the corner holds my radio/cd player and music. I'll have to find the old Echo Dot to use with Spotify later.

The tables are just folding tables with fitted covers. I would have liked white, but knew with the Arizona dust they'd be filthy in no time. So I compromised by adding a topping of a white tablecloth. The one by the window will have boxes stored underneath it. The second one has a cut out for my legs and to reach immediate supplies.

They are positioned in this manner so I can see the TV on the opposite wall.  I plan to add some more white shelves on this wall next season.  

I want to hang the Welcome to the Cottage sign here as well.

Mike Hren also mentioned a thing called a split unit that offers both air conditioning and heating that I may want to add here as well. The unit that does the work would sit outside the shed.

That large black thing on the right is a rolling metal shelving unit with all my boxes of craft supplies. The cover will help to keep it from getting as dusty and it has zippers on both sides that roll up to allow for easy access.  

The photo to the right shows what it looks like when it's open and ready for business.

The drapes over the French doors are black out drapes to help protect the stuff inside during the hot summer months.  

The ceiling fan is remotely controlled thanks to the installation by Hollis the Handyman who lives here in the resort.  Since the ceilings are nine feet high and I am not, this is a real plus.

Here's a close up of the shelf over one of the windows.  So far my plan is to have pretties up there, but some of the items shown do have odd things stored in them and out of sight. The cute little tin with the sunflowers on it (thank you Barb Adams) has hooks and bungie cords stored in it.  I am never without my step stool.

So,  if you can't find me anywhere - check the cottage.


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