Day Nine

One of things I wanted to do prior to surgery was get a very short haircut. This will make it easier to care for while I recover.

My friend Mitch is going to get hers cut and I tagged along as sometime it's hard to find a stylist who is willing to cut it as short as I'm wanting.

This will be nice as I wait for my one month checkup here in Arizona where the temperatures will be ramping up day by day.

I wasn't worried about going that short as I had it cut that way while preparing for my black belt. And it's hair, it grows again.

I spent the morning pounding knives into the ground to act as plant markers so the guys that spray don't kill them. After that I gave the new plants a good soaking. By this time I'm schvitzing (sweating for you non Yiddish speakers) and it was nice to have all that hair gone.

Then I hauled out a bunch of winter things out to the shed that should (hopefully) be too large when I return in October.

It's hard to imagine that at this time next Monday I should be in recovery.


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