Day Six

I received a card in the mail from a group of classmates from high school all wishing me well as I pursue this goal.

I'm sure they had no way of knowing that James Christensen is one of my favorite artists. 

His images trigger our imaginations as to what might be possible in our fantasies. That's something I can really relate to right now.

 My cousin Jean is part of this group and she is an artist and we have so many similar qualities that I have to believe she may be the one who picked the card.

These are women I have not seen for many years and it warmed me to know they are still there and care about me.

I'm so grateful for the support system that I have while on this journey both near and far away.

Left Brain and I went to see the movie "Escape from Germany". It's the first time in my memory I've been to a movie without getting popcorn. I encouraged him to get some and it didn't bother me at all that he was eating next to me.  I had smuggled in a strawberry protein shake and that filled me up so much I had no hunger at all.

Tonight I'm heading to the pool for a pool party where we float on our noodles and listen to people perform music. Much less of a temptation that way since the food isn't right near me.

It's funny how now I walk through a grocery store and the piles of candy and sugary crap almost turns my stomach. No temptation at the check out to grab a candy bar or soda.  When I do feel hungry I start craving things like a hard boiled egg instead of sugar.  This is a good sign.


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