I hate photos of myself

 One of the things recommended is to have before and after photos.  

I hate having my photo taken but here it is.  

At least in this one I'm smiling.

It's so hard to really take a good look at myself in the mirror and I can't wait until I can have an "after photo" to put with these.

This face shows how I really feel about the whole thing.  Sad. Disgusted. Unhappy. Hopeless.

So many chins!

I imagine a year from how I'll be thinner but probably much more wrinkled.

Oh well, I'm old now, so it's a natural look.

Ok, one more face photo since I cut my hair to prepare myself for ease of care afterwards. There goes about five pounds of hair, I feel thinner already!

On the Facebook support groups they have a Face to Face Friday where you post your before and after (or during) photos to see the progress. I look forward to being able to see my progress this way.

They also have Throwback Thursdays with full body shots, but I haven't done those yet. I'm certainly not brave enough to do this in my underwear like some people, so I've spared you that pain.  You're welcome.


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