New problems while I wait


I've been under tremendous stress dealing with the actions of my neighbors and one time best friend. This has been going on for over two years now and I thought we had both agreed to just live and let live.  That hope died last summer when she started sending me hate filled texts.  I was not able to reason with her and finally ended with telling here I'd pray for her but needed to block her as I just couldn't take any more. 

Things were quiet for a while and I was actually glad to be free of her and all the drama that goes on at her house. Then her husband drove his car at me on the wrong side of the street to shake me up.  And he sure did. I went into full PTSD from my first marriage and was unable to function for about three-four days. Our security advised us to call the police to create an official record in case things escalate. Gheez, is that in case he actually hits me next time?  I tried to get a restraining order as I was terrified, but the judge wouldn't allow it since it was one incident. 

Things were quiet again for a bit and I thought this was it, it was finally over and we could just co-exist.  But no.  The general manager finally had time to do a part wide review for violations, something that hadn't happened for a long time due to some other administrative issues. About 100 notices went out. One was to them for having storage decks on the side of the house. They are only allowed to be in the back.  I got one that my privacy screen on my deck was not allowed, so removed it. 

I'm guessing they thought I turned them in because next thing I knew she was sending a letter to the general manager about a conversation she overheard. A conversation on my own deck. She was asking to have me removed from the board of directors.  My G-d! Will she ever quit harassing me?

She was advised that the Board doesn't have the ability to remove a member but yet she continues to send the manager information about all kinds of sundry deeds I've committed.  Apparently she has 3 1/2 years of documentation on me when we were best friends, so she must have been compiling information long before the incident that started this, which was holding her husband accountable for something he had done, but I don't want to even hash that over again.

So, I developed stress induced shingles. This involved a very painful area on my back where I was taking six Tylenol a day. It also went into my left eye which was almost swollen shut and very painful. Thankfully I got medication in time to help alleviate the pain and the eye is much better now. He also doubled my antidepressant/anxiety meds to get me through this phase. The original purpose in this increase was to make sure I was getting the full benefit of the meds after my surgery, but he advised me to start now because of all the above.

Things are peaceful again right now, but I keep waiting for the  other shoe to drop as that seems to be the pattern.  It's hard to enjoy my own deck with all the dirty looks I get from them. But I'm determined to just do my best to ignore all their noise and mess and just carry on.


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