Poor George


We were having our nightly tummy rubs when I noticed that his, well...his little boy parts weren't so little anymore.

This area was swollen and bright red. Oh no, this isn't normal.  Usually with all the fluffy hair I never get a glimpse at his nether-regions.

So, at 4:30 that evening it was off to the vet for an emergency call.  Thankfully we started with 1st Pet when we were getting established in our new home area of Mesa.

This way they have all his records on hand and are available 24 hours a day.  Knowing how sneaky my cat is I got our the carrier and left it on the porch. If he sees it he'll dive into the small crawl space under the bed where we can't reach him. So I just scooped him up and out the door we went. There was a brief struggle on the deck but I won that round.

They got all his vitals and I noticed the shocked look on the vet techs face when she saw it. I signed up for everything, the x-rays, blood work, sedation, etc.  Since he was going to be in the back for a long time I headed out to get some supper. I had a protein bar at 7:30 that morning and hadn't eaten since.  Worrying about my cat I wasn't very hungry but knew I had to eat. 

I had the good sense to grab my kindle when bundling up my cat since I knew I'd be waiting, so off to Denny's I went for supper. It was a good way to kill time and try to take my mind of poor George.

It was getting cold and the reception area was chilly and had uncomfortable plastic chairs so I parked in the vet's parking lot and read until I got the call that he was ready to go home.

So, after about 4 1/2 hours and $1000 later we were back home with topical pads to clean his privates and three different medications to force down his throat. Oh joy.  If you've ever had to give medication to a cat, you'll understand.

Everything was going quite well, he's learning to navigate his world with a cone that bumps into doorways and confuses him.  I did trim it down a little bit so he could reach his food and water, but not allow any licking.

Then we discovered I could remove it for brief periods to allow him to eat and drink better and get brushed while I watch him to make sure he wasn't licking himself.

Well...this morning I removed the cone and he had a little breakfast and he saw me open the packet for the pill.  I learned to give him the meds in three separate time frames so it's not so overwhelming. The little s**t dashed into the bedroom and into the crawl space. Even the red dot laser couldn't lure him out of there.  So, he's probably back there just licking away.

But I'm onto his tricks now and that wouldn't happen again! He has to come out sometime.  Let the battle begin!


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