The Food Funeral Begins
with me later. Well, it seems they don't open until 3PM. Bummer. So we went to Caldwell BBQ instead and what a treat it was.
If all goes well, it will be mid-September before I can begin introducing real food to my new tiny tummy. This is a small trade off for jump starting my return to my normal body. I've tried to relay to Left Brain that I don't look at this process with any sense of dread, but with joy. Remind me of that later if I'm getting whiny.
When I leave the hospital it will be a month long diet of food that is pureed into oblivion. I can only imagine what that's going to look like and taste like. So much of taste is with the eyes, so I may have to avoid looking at my plate for a while.
Then I'll progress to soft foods for three months giving my pouch a little more to deal with without overwhelming it. Kind of like a training camp for the stomach.
And then...real food, as tolerated. This is going to be the scary part for me. They say to try a dime sized piece of whatever the new food is and see how it's tolerated. Basic interpretation: if you don't barf it up it might be ok.
I've read that some people find they can never again tolerate certain foods and that's a risk I'm taking. But, that can happen just with aging and other life events anyway, so I can't blame it on the surgery.
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