The Food Funeral Begins


It's my last couple of days before the liquid diet begins, so I'm enjoying my favorite foods while I can. First stop is my favorite place: Texas Roadhouse. I've yet to have a steak that didn't satisfy my taste buds. 

I'm going to indulge in some BBQ ribs incase the spice doesn't agree
with me later. 
Well, it seems they don't open until 3PM. Bummer.  So we went to Caldwell BBQ instead and what a treat it was.

We got a sampling of three different meats and sides and had plenty to bring back for Left Brain to enjoy later.  It was a really cute place with some nice cactus and grasses in front.

The back patio was huge and you can see the smokers they use to cook the meat.

I have blue doors at my place in Minnesota, so was tickled to see someone else has my sense of style.  

If all goes well, it will be mid-September before I can begin introducing real food to my new tiny tummy. This is a small trade off for jump starting my return to my normal body. I've tried to relay to Left Brain that I don't look at this process with any sense of dread, but with joy. Remind me of that later if I'm getting whiny. 

When I leave the hospital it will be a month long diet of food that is pureed into oblivion. I can only imagine what that's going to look like and taste like.  So much of taste is with the eyes, so I may have to avoid looking at my plate for a while.

Then I'll progress to soft foods for three months giving my pouch a little more to deal with without overwhelming it. Kind of like a training camp for the stomach.

And then...real food, as tolerated.  This is going to be the scary part for me. They say to try a dime sized piece of whatever the new food is and see how it's tolerated. Basic interpretation: if you don't barf it up it might be ok.

I've read that some people find they can never again tolerate certain foods and that's a risk I'm taking. But, that can happen just with aging and other life events anyway, so I can't blame it on the surgery.


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