And the healing begins


I knew the first few days would be rough and I'm glad for all the research I did to prepare for this surgery.  Otherwise I'd be asking myself right now WTF did I just do?

The overnight hospital stay was an experience. I learned quickly that you don't get to actually sleep in the hospital with all the attention that is given. They constantly brought me meds to stay ahead of the pain and nausea which helped immensely. My pain level was never over a one on the one to ten scale. More of a discomfort than pain.

The only vein that worked well for the IV was in the crook of my left arm so I was not able to bend it or the machine would alert. I had both legs in the things I called python leggings that would give a constant squeezing to prevent blood clots. There's nothing like being hooked up where you can't move that makes you need to pee. I soon became an expert at unhooking my legs, unplugging the IV and rolling it with me to the bathroom or when I took my walks around the hallway.

They drew blood for labs and I got a shot in the belly to prevent blood clots. There were breathing treatments and visits from the dietician to prepare me for when I go home. I can't think of anyone that didn't come in to check on surgeon came by, the nurse, the PA, the Christian chaplain and the Jewish chaplain. I think the only person I missed was the janitor.

Oh, and the constant bringing of meals that I couldn't manage to eat. On the morning of the next day I was given a protein shake and I managed half of that and half a bottle of water. If I wasn't able to drink the required amount of fluids I couldn't leave.  That was an incentive.

Right before I was ready to be discharged the nurse brought in the new nurse that was taking over that shift. I made a comment that the nurses here get better looking all the time as this was a very handsome young man.  They both laughed and I warned him to mark down on his charts that there was a cougar in room 1403.

I felt my care at Banner was top notch and any time I needed something there was help given immediately.

Poor George was without his Mommy for a whole day and let me know how he felt about it when I got back home.

The only real discomfort I have right now is trying to drink water and the shakes. Even with the tiniest of sips it feels like instant heartburn as it hits the upper part of the stomach and then hurts again when it lands.  This is to be expected as the stomach has just gone through trauma and my insides are all jangled up. But that should get better day by day as it heals.


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