Day Thirteen


Whoo hoo!  Almost to the end of the liquid diet.

It wasn't as bad as I feared it would be but I'm really glad it's done.

Using zero sugar flavors for water has been helpful as well as the skinny syrups to squirt into my protein shakes.

The hands in the photo is the thing I bought while out shopping last week. It's supposed to be a jewelry holder but I liked it just as an art object. To me it represents a gratitude tray.  And I'll be glad to be done with the liquid diet, although it has been very insightful for me during this time.

I finished the card holders I was working on for next season's craft
shows.  Now there are 23 ready to sell.

It's nearing crunch time now and I've started to pack up things I want to take with me to the hospital for my overnight at the spa. 

It will be nice to have my jello and broth served to me as I luxuriate in my bed with full control of the remote. 

Living the La Vida Loca baby! 


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