

George and I have developed the habit of waking at 5:30 and heading out the door for out walk. Well, actually it's HIS habit, I'd be happy lingering in bed. In Arizona you need to get out there bright and early while it's safe to do so. It's nice at 68 degrees but it hits 97 really quickly.

It is nice to hear the birds and see all the pretty cactus blooms. The
one above is at Ken & Barb's house.  This is the first bloom on my little Argentine Giant. The bloom is the size of my hand and the plant is only about 9" high.

I did a bit too much the other day out in the heat-watering plants, hooking up the new hose reel and cleaning the front of our property. 

Got to feeling almost ill, weak and dizzy. So I went back inside and cooked up an egg with cheese for an early lunch and sat down to rest.

After taking the trash to the dumpster I checked the mail and found two things for me- a package with some really cute napkins from my friend Carole and a card from my cousin Jean. It is so comforting to know people are thinking about me and took the time to actually mail something to me. 

One of my friends here in the park brought me some chicken coconut curry she had made for me to have for supper. It was so yummy and just the right amount. I have been blessed to be surrounded by such good friends. I think I should get an award for having the best support group a woman could possibly have. Actually, I feel like I should be struggling more to deserve all the attention. I never dreamed the recovery would be this easy except for that first week.


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