Two Week Checkup


I had my two week checkup and things are proceeding nicely.

My bandages were removed, the incisions are healing well and I can go back into the pool now.

I'm meeting my protein goals and almost there with the water, but he said nobody meets that goal at two weeks.

I no longer have to empty my pill capsules into a spoon of jam and can just swallow them. Never thought I'd be grateful to swallow pills, but there you are.

My next goal is to get 10,000 steps in each day and have a couple of days with some intense workout. This is going to take some dedication as I'm nowhere near that amount.

By my one month checkup I should be able to do some weight lifting.

The only bummer was to continue the puree diet for two more weeks. Yuck!  I shouldn't complain (but I will) the taste isn't horrible it's just so awful to look at.  But it's only two weeks...I'm halfway there already. I can do this.


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