Week Two Post Op
I woke this morning and felt full of energy. George was insistent that we leave immediately for our walk. He's become a little furry overlord. Maybe I should have sent him with Left Brain.
On Tuesday I went to the Grub Club for the meatloaf, carrots, mashed potatoes & gravy. I ate the mashed potatoes & gravy there so I could visit with friends. Technically I'm not supposed to have potatoes yet but forgot that little fact. It felt so good to eat and socialize! I'm getting better at not drinking anything right before or after eating. That was hard to get the hang of.
Cal (kitchen manager) pureed my meatloaf for me. It looks nasty, but tastes good and will be a nice lunch for me today. It looks a little like either refried beans or cat food and I may have to offer some to George.
The gas pains are completely gone. It no longer hurts to eat or drink, even when I take a little more than a sip. If it wasn't for the incisions I wouldn't even know I had this surgery. It's a far cry from that first week!
I just ordered some more calcium chewable tablets in caramel apple and wild grape. I need to take these three times a day so they might as well taste good.
My bariatric meal cards just arrived and it will be a while before I'mready to try using them, but hopefully when I get up to Minnesota I'll be ready.
These are to show that I'm a bariatric patient and am requesting to order off the children's menu. The restaurant doesn't have to honor it but it can't hurt. If I'm only going to be good for a few bites of anything the smaller meals are the way to go.
Of course once I'm back with Left Brain it will be easy. I'll either just have some of his meal or he'll finish what I can't eat off my smaller menu choice.
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