Back in Minnesota


I arrived around noon on June 14. We stopped at McDonald's on the way to the campground and I had four chicken nuggets. Still hard to wrap my brain around how little it takes to fill me up.

Took a nap and still crashed early that evening to adjust to the time change and recover from the flight.

Saturday started with our general meeting and then Pete and I went around the park so I could see what I needed to deal with first for the gardens. Then I went to Walmart and bought over $500 in groceries, of course that doesn't make much time any more. We're in phase II of the road construction so that was a bit of a mess. I'll be shopping closer to the campground in the future. We have a Super Target, Colburns and a brand new Aldi very close by. 

Sunday I went out for a walk to start trying to get my 10,000 steps in. There's a lovely paved walking path within walking distance that has a pond in the middle and is along the Mississippi River. As I was walking I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head. I thought perhaps something fell out of the tree. As I turned to look I saw the red-winged blackbird flying away. Apparently I was too close to her nest, they can be very aggressive.  I picked up my pace before there was a reenactment of "The Birds".

I started to sort out the shed and clean up the cat cage and patio area.Things get really filthy over the winter and I'll be glad when this is all over with.

About 11:00 we headed out to find the lady on marketplace that had coneflowers for sale for $2 each. Yowzer, that's a deal! I loaded up my plant tubs (aka old litter boxes) and headed her way. I loaded up 25 nice mature plants in my tubs and we headed back home. There was one quick stop at Target to get a couple of things and then a drive through at Ebert & Gerbert for a sandwich for him and a cup of chili for me.

After lunch I headed out to the gardens to plant the coneflowers and start pulling some weeds. I wanted to transplant some sedum as well but started to really feel my energy ebbing so went home. I noticed the neighbors outside and stopped to visit them for a bit. They're used to seeing me in all my muddy glory and since my butt is the only part of me that's clean I sat and visited for a while.

Ended the day with a nice hot shower and relaxing while I write this blog and will prepare an early supper after a bit.  Got my 10,307 steps in. Life is good.


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