Noticing some changes after surgery

 I was hoping for my energy to return with the weight loss and that seems to be the case. Yesterday I played pickleball for the first time in a long time. It was pretty rough at first, but I could feel the skills coming back by the end of our play.

I went for my walk around the loop today and jogged over the bridge, returning to the trailer to pick up George to walk to the far side of the campground. This amounts to about three miles. After stuffing him back in the house I headed out to water the newer plants in the common gardens. Upon returning I decided the patio mat I bought is too small so packed it up to return to Amazon.

When I went back inside Pete was up and moving so we went to Denny's for breakfast before heading out to get the edgers I purchased on Facebook Marketplace. I ordered the 55+ scrambled eggs with cheese, four sausages and two pancakes. I ate half the eggs which would be one egg, took one bite from the sausage and nibbled on a corner of the pancakes. And then I was done. Boxed up the leftovers for another day or a meal for Pete.

We headed out in Betty White the van for a 45 minute drive to pick up my prized edgers. Upon arriving I saw that these were not the nice ones that I can carry two at a time, but rather large heavy ones that required me to take one at a time. Eighty five edgers that were stacked up next to the garage for easy access. Except that the housecleaners had parked there. Luckily Pete can back up the car well and he got me as close as I could get. Then I started hauling these beasts into the back of the van. Betty got a workout today with a very heavy load.

We got home and I dropped off Pete so I could take the car to the south end of the park and start offloading the edgers. I used them to mark the boundary of our next garden project and put the leftover ones inside the loop. We can expand the boundary of this garden but I'm too tired to think about it right now.

Since I have the car and my purse I drove over to 101 Market to check out some more plants. I picked up a honeysuckle vine on 50% clearance that will look nice on the chain link fence and some other things that I honestly have no idea where to put them.  But they always fit in somewhere. I watered them in good and since the neighbors were sitting outside I wandered over to visit with them for a bit.

After coming in I realized I never did have lunch and now it's 3:00pm. Time to relax and catch up on my blogging.

I've noticed that I am not coughing much anymore and I have not used my inhalers since I've gotten here. Could this be from the weight loss?

That and the energy is through the roof lately and it takes a lot to tire me out.  I have 10,361 steps in today and did a lot of heavy lifting but feel pumped. 


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