One Month Checkup

 Today is the day I've been waiting for, the reason I'm still in Arizona as the weather gets hotter and hotter.  

I was so excited that I got to the clinic at 9:45. This was fine and dandy except my appointment wasn't until 1:30. So, I headed back home and stopped at Der Weinerschnitzel for a hot dog for lunch. They always look so confused when you order a sandwich without the bun. I enjoyed my all beef weiner with catsup, mustard and onion and actually ate the whole thing which surprised me.

After loving up George for a bit I went back at my appointed time to meet with Amanda. I was shocked at my weigh in to see 201. They take two pounds off for shoes and clothes so they have me recorded at 199. This is major for me. My highest weight was 232 and I lost 15 pounds prior to the surgery, making my surgery weight 217. So I've lost 16 pounds in my first month for a total loss of 31 pounds. I realize that it won't always be this fast of a loss, but I'm tickled to get under the 200 mark.

She was very pleased with my progress but I learned a few things as well.  I should be taking in a minimum of 800 calories a day. I haven't been getting more than 500 most days so I need to kick it up a little.

The second thing that excited me is that I can start regular food on August 6th. I had miscalculated (math is not my forte) and thought it wasn't until September 6th. My future salads just moved up one month!  With regular foods I can have lettuce and raw vegetables and I've never craved anything so much. I long for something crisp and clean with some crunch.

I asked about watermelon, which I love but don't see on any of my lists of approved foods. Apparently one wedge has 22 grams of carbs and 18 grams of sugar, so it's not something to eat very often.

I have no restriction on what I lift or do. As she put it "if it hurts don't do it" since I'm almost completely healed. So when I get to Minnesota I can start in with digging, weeding and planting. That will feel so good! It will help with getting my steps in each day as I haven't been doing very well with this heat.  I've given up trying to walk in the mornings. When it's already 85 at 5:30am it's just too hot for me. All I can tolerate is watering my plants.


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