South side bath house

 We've been working on this for a while now to improve things. 

First we trimmed the bushes way back to promote thicker growth and that has really helped.

This year we added blocks all the way around to hold in the mulch and set off the edges.  

The red mulch really makes the plants pop.

The goose was finally starting to fall apart, so he had to leave, along with the stump he sat on. 

I planted a black lace elderberry.  The dark leaves will look nice against the gray walls.

Poor Shawn, my partner in crime.  It was his birthday and to show my love I had him spread a yard of mulch and go with me to Menards to buy 40 more blocks to finish this project.  Because math is not my strong suit I ended up about nine blocks short.  I went back with Betty (the van) to pick those up and still ended up two short. Grrr.

After we weeded it all out I went back to level the blocks. 

I dug daylilies out of Judy's garden and put them here. I needed to move a hosta on the backside, so divided it and added them also. There is a hole dug for the larger hosta that will be added.

The back is just hostas but we weeded and added the blocks so they now go around the entire building.

This area needs some variation of height but it will have to wait until next season.

This is going to be a nice looking area when we are completed.


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