50 ways to leave your body


It's been a journey with my bariatric surgery and learning a new way of life, how to eat correctly and get more exercise.

I started out at 232 pounds and lost 14 pounds prior to my surgery on May 6th. The first month I lost 16 pounds as it was hard to eat enough to get the amount of protein and calories I'm supposed to take in, making me 202. Most days I'd be good to get about 400-500 calories. There's just no room in my tiny little tummy.

The second month I lost another 10 pounds bringing me to 192. It feels so good to be under 200 or as they call it in my world...ONEderland.

At the end of my third month I lost another 10 putting me at 182 with a total weight loss of 50 pounds.

It still doesn't seem real or possible. Sometimes I weigh myself an extra time because I'm sure the scale is malfunctioning or I just dreamt it the night before.

I'm working towards to my goal weight of 127, which puts me firmly in the middle of the healthy weight limits for my height.  I know I can't maintain a loss of 10 pounds each month but I'm grateful for whatever is choosing to finally pry itself loose from my body.

Have I noticed any changes?  I still have a hard time seeing myself as getting thinner but there are subtle signs.

My face has gotten thinner or so I've been told. I know I'm seeing more wrinkles.

The upper arms have developed bat wings that wobble oh so adorably.

My boobs look like those African woman in National Geographic as they point to the ground, albeit in a vanilla color.

The belly is squishy and saggy, but I expected this. I feel very thin when on my back but the illusion goes away when I shift to my side as everything follows gravity.

I hurts to sit too long now as my well padded derrière has lost some of its stuffing.

But, I can now bend over and tie my shoes without feeling like I'm going to pass out from lack of air.

I flexed my feet and noticed I have shin bones, haven't seen those for a while. 

The main thing I've noticed is the return of my energy level. I've been hopping ever since I landed in Minnesota working with these gardens. To the point I sometimes wear out my 51 year old gardening guy. I had planned to join a gym and get a personal trainer, but so far I feel I'm getting a great workout in the gardens.

I've started to hit the pickleball courts again and although the skills are rusty, they're still in there and will improve as I continue to get more playing time in.The gardens take priority so I'm not getting there as often as I might like, but it's a short time to get a lot done.

To celebrate this victory I plan to schedule a 90 minute massage for myself. I'm learning new ways to celebrate that don't involve food or drink.


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