My garden continues


First planter to be planted with perennials

I want to have a view of the water behind my potato planter so I started clearing brush and pulling grape vines. My new tools of a small chainsaw and a hedge trimmer have come in very handy and are getting a real workout, as well as my body.

It's been a struggle to clear this with a lot of cutting, hauling and swearing. But it's how I have fun. I've learned to lay down the chainsaw correctly now to prevent it from rolling into the water. I managed to get down the slippery slope and grab it without falling in, so that's something. Observation: it's really hard to climb up a muddy embankment when you're giggling.

The next part was to fill all those filing cabinets and planters with compost. Luckily we have a source of this and kind men who scooped it up in the tractor and hauled it over. They are all full now and ready to go. I just had to dig out the roots, sticks, bricks and other odd things.

Finally have the blocks around it. Now it needs mulching and more plants in the other bin.

This was very timely as I had spent the day before digging up free daylilies I found on Marketplace. I filled the back of the van with what I dug up.  Then I offloaded these, cleaned up and changed clothes so Pete and I could drive the opposite direction and pick up some more. That person had them all dug up and in a trough so all I had to do was scoop them up and put them in my containers. Filled up the van with those and headed home.

Since I had just sprayed the area where I want to put them with grass killer I needed to wait until I could start digging up this area, so many of the daylilies got plunked into the planters for now. I did notice that I still have two tubs of them in the back area I'd forgotten about. It was late in the day and I was tired since I'd been doing this all day and I decided they'd hold just fine until tomorrow.

It seems I make never ending trips to Menards for bark mulch, but this will help with the weeds so worth the investment.


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